Boost your Home Staging curb appeal with fresh paint on your front door.

Let’s talk about the importance of home staging & curb appeal

Whether you are using home staging to prepare your home to sell, or just want to refresh your home design, curb appeal is one first impression that offers no second chance. If you want to make that first impression positive, a little attention detail and creativity can make those first 7 seconds count! It takes work to keep your property looking great, but the reward of pulling up to a beautiful maintained yard is worth it. Here are some simple tips to impress anyone during that critical window of time. Home Staging and Curb Appeal should not be overlooked!


Start with a warm welcome for buyers and visitors alike with fresh flowers in your yard.

If you maintain those flowerbeds with bright color and fresh mulch, you will attract the kind of attention you want!

Second, paint your front door. 

According to a recent Zillow analysis, statistics showed that front doors painted black can increase your home’s value by 2.9%.

Then, be sure to mow the lawn!

If you don’t love doing yard work, your neighbor kid may not mind making a few extra dollars a week. That’s a win-win! When a lawn is maintained, it gives the impression of owner care, and that’s the kind of impression you want to relay.

After that, try creating a comfy seating area.

If you create a little space to sit and watch the world go by with your morning coffee or afternoon lemonade, you’ve added just the thing to impress your visitors. Give them the space and let their imagination go with it.

Always be sure to keep your yard tidy. 

Beyond mowing the lawn, when you keep up on the fallen leaves, pull the weeds regularly, and water your yard, it shows your pride in your property. This definitely makes your future buyer or visitors feel good about stepping over the threshold.

Before you stop, don’t forget to pressure wash your home.

This isn’t just a Spring activity. Think how often your car needs washed…your home needs attention too! When you give your home a good wash once a month,  it will continue to look fresh.

Finally, update the patio and deck.

When you add new cushions and seating, new planter boxes, or a fresh coat of stain, it will improve the look and feel of the space. Wow your buyers and visitors with your outdoor living space.

Curb appeal in the back yard. Stage and design a back yard that leaves a great first impression.

When you use a little elbow grease, it can add value to your home. Roll up your sleeve and reap the rewards! If you would like some personal pointers on your curb appeal, call me. A Discovery Call is always free!

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