Top 12 Organizing Tips for a Tidy Home


Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start organizing first. Getting an organized and tidy home takes a bit of strategy and I love these 12 Organizing Tips that make things simple. My motivation comes from those small moments when my house looks fresh and clean with everything in place. It’s those brief moments before my crew comes in and lives all over the place that I love. I can deal with bathrooms, and laundry is a necessary evil, but, for me, getting rid of those piles of clutter that accumulate is a continued effort.


Here are my Top 12 Organizing Tips on how to declutter for peace of mind and higher efficiency.



Donate unused items

1. Donate clothing you don’t wear

If you designate a basket or bin in your laundry room for clothes you just don’t love anymore, or any item that has been outgrown, you will notice when the basket is full. Then you can bag it up and make a trip to a local donation drop off.


2.Organize your clothes by color

When you take 10 minutes to go through your closet and sort you clothes by color, you will see where you can diversify your wardrobe and easily select an article for a quick outfit curation.



Another organizing tip is to invest in drawer organizers

3. Invest in drawer organizers

Who has a junk drawer that is a catch-all for the kitchen odds and ends? 🙋‍♀️ If you take a quick trip to the dollar store, you can sort our your drawers and help yourself stay organized.

4. Get rid of old or unused mugs and Tupperware

If you’ve got some Tupperware that has seen better days, why not get rid of the old, food stained pieces and reward yourself for tidying up with a few fresh replacements?

5. Sort your food containers

It is helpful to store your dry foods in a way to visually organize your pantry. When you invest in new food containers, you will feel organized and love how it looks pretty too!

Organized food containers

6. Hang your coats up

How many of us are guilty of throwing jackets and coats on a bench or over a chair? If you install decorative hooks near the door, or find a simple coat rack, you are offering a simple tidy solution that visually reminds you where to put your outerwear.

7. Rearrange your coffee table

Coffee tables are notorious places to gather clutter! A tray or shallow basket will keep all the needed items in one place. When you take a moment each night to remove everything that doesn’t belong and place the rest on the tray, everything will be easily found when you sit down to relax the next day.

8. Declutter your desk

Desks are notorious for gathering piles. If you sort the items on your desk once a week by putting the writing tools away, taking care of any accumulated piles, and remove anything that hinders a good work environment, you will find you have a more productive work space.


Organized and tidy desk

9. Reduce paper clutter

When you make a habit of going through the mail each day, you will have fewer piles of paper to clutter your counter or desk. A great habit is hold it in your hand once if it’s not important, twice if you need to do something with it, like pay a bill. Once it’s paid, discard it.


10. Minimize visual clutter

Once you have gone through and decluttered, it only takes a few minutes before bed each night and put everything in its proper place. When you wake up to a visually clutter-free home you will thank yourself for those extra few minutes the night before.

Organized bookshelf


11. Streamline tech items

If you place a basket near an outlet on the counter for a simple charging station, all those cords, remotes, and gadgets have a dedicated home. Remember that tray on the coffee table? That’s the perfect home for all your remotes. Zip-ties work well to corral those cords into a tidy group.

12. Divide things by purpose

When you have a plan for where things go, you will stay tidy and organized. Small toys should have bins, books should go on shelves, blankets should have baskets. If everything has a home, it’s easy to find them and return them.


It may feel like a constant effort to keep your space organized and tidy, but with a structure in place and creating good habits it will be less of a struggle. You may wonder how this relates to a Home Staging and Design Blog? It’s simple. When you are looking to sell your home, you should keep in mind buyers look for a home that is cared for. An organized home is appealing and gives the impression of a well maintained home. It also makes the process of moving that much easier. When you have stayed on top of the items you just don’t use, need, or want anymore, packing is a breeze.

Designing you home to be more efficient and clutter-free gives a homeowner pride and peace of mind when they move about their lives. When I make the time to tidy up each night, my morning environment feels less chaotic with all the visual reminders of what I should have done. These 12 Organizing Tips have helped keep me on track.


If you are looking for help designing a more organized and tidy place, let me know. I’m here to help!


Organized coffee table





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